Friday, October 12, 2012


Upon closer inspection, I thought to myself, those are not udders.

The Anti Chicken

Whenever I go to KFC, I think to myself...This chicken is different!

Holy Cow

I told you the story about the bull? The one that jumped the fence when I waved the little red hanky? 

I thought it was a cow.

The Incredible Hulk

When he gets big I wonder, "What are they gonna do with the pants?"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Tony: Ray, you're askin for trouble.
Ray: (gasp) Right here in River City?

The Safe Side

I'll wash your fruit for you, Scott.

Special Sauce

They keep it under the counter. With the goods.

Job Interview

She asked me if I could do motion graphics. I told her, I can do any kind of motion you want!

Picking out a Watermelon

You know how they have stud finders? Someone should invent a Melon Thumper.

Record Temps at Chick Fil A

Who wants to buy chicken from a dripping wet person?

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Little Help From My Friends

Leah: My husband just ordered an iPad 3!
Ray: Do you need me to come show him how to use it? Also, don't tell him I squeezed your cream cheese.

A Little Help From My Friends

Leah: My husband just ordered an iPad 3!
Ray: Do you need me to come show him how to use it? Also, don't tell him I squeezed your cream cheese.

Friday, March 9, 2012


I just wanted you to know before you go to my grave.


And I just started laughin' cuz those doctor's are going places I've never even been...or want to go.

Drop Box

Carrie, I'm about to drop a huge load in your box. It's big.


You know what I’ve got on my list today? A breast augmentation.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bathroom Break

I'll be right there. Just gotta go check on the upholstery in the men's room.


And if you're lucky, you can have a three-way. I've had three ways before.

Apple Keynote

Well, Tim. Bless his pea-pickin heart. He's no Steve Jobs.

Physical Appt.

Next time, you should just walk right in, take off your clothes, and let them have their way with you. Then give them your money.


Lori: Aww--all the brownies are gone!
Ray: Nope. I'm still here.


Look at all this! This will go perfect in Jon's drawers.

Dr. Visit

He said he's gonna do stuff to me. Stuff that might want me to make me throw myself to the elephants.

Chik Fil A

You look ilk a man who can hold his chicken.

250 Piece Nuggets

You'll never guess what happened to me on the way in. This plate of chicken just jumped in my car and got all up in my business.

Surprising News

Get out of town! Just when you think you have your underwear high enough to wade through the water!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Favorite Fish

Hey Ray, what's your favorite fish to fry?
Oh that's easy. Red Snapple. The spicy kind.


That's OK, I can wait to start that job. I've got other fish to fry. Big ones. Smelly ones.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Jay Walking

I'm not worried. Do you know what happens if you hit a black man in Colorado Springs?!

Advice for the Next Generation

Learn from the past. Otherwise, omigoodness.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lights Out

Don't worry. I'll smile so we can see where you're goin'.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Map of South America

Would you look at the legs on Argentina!


James: "You've got the white balls on your side, Ray."
Ray: "Well, technically, no. But I'll leave that one alone."

Friday, February 10, 2012


It's got lumps as big as your head.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tupperware, Take 3

Tupperware, Take 2

I gave you all the good stuff. Matching lids and everything. Some people go their whole lives without matching lids.

Monday, February 6, 2012


You could fit a whole chinchilla in there.


You look like a man who could use a kumquat.